The turner blockbuster at the national gallery of art in washington was originally scheduled for 2005 but had to be postponed 在美国华盛顿国家艺术展会举行的泰纳艺术品大型会展起初是安排在2005年举行,但是不得不延误。
Inspiration for the exterior look of the new ballpark , which will feature a lot of glass , is taken from the east wing of washington ' s national gallery of art 新场的外部有大量的玻璃结构,这个灵感来自华盛顿国家艺术馆的东翼建筑。
The place i enjoyed most was the national gallery of art . i spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings . “我最喜欢的地方是国家艺术馆。我化了整整一个下午在那里欣赏他们的现代绘画,真是饱尝了眼福。 ”
" the place i enjoyed most was the national gallery of art . i spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings . 这个人说: “我最喜欢的地方是国家艺术馆。我化了整整一个下午在那里欣赏他们的现代绘画,真是饱尝了眼福。 ”
Franklin kelly , the curator of american and british art at the national gallery of art , suspects that the tate ' s collection of turners is so wide and deep that its curators felt a sense of obligation 国家艺术展英美艺术展的负责人怀疑,泰纳作品在泰特美术馆收集得颇为广博,以致于该美术馆的负责人也会感到自己身负责任。
Cherry blossom festival in washington dc , plus attractions in nation s capitol , such as white house , washington monument , national archives , u . s . capitol , arlington national cemetery , national gallery of art 樱花节庆典首府的名胜古迹,譬如:华盛顿纪念碑首府的名胜古迹,譬如:华盛顿纪念碑白宫国会林肯纪念堂维吉尼亚州天然钟乳石洞。
The pictures , which formed a significant part of the display which attracted record crowds this summer , are still hanging on the walls of the gallery because american couriers working on behalf of the metropolitan museum in new york and the national gallery of art in washington , have not wanted to travel on aeroplanes to europe 由于纽约大都会博物馆和华盛顿国家美术馆的信使们不愿乘飞机前往欧洲,在今年夏季吸引了创记录数量参观者的这次展出上,这几幅占相当分量的展品至今还悬挂在美术馆的墙上。